Who is food handler?
Food handler includes any person who :
a) is directly involved in the preparation of food;
b) comes into contact with food or food contact surfaces and;
c) handles packaged or unpackaged food or appliances.
3 things food handlers need to comply

Why does it so important to food handler?

General advice to food handler
a) Ministry of Health (MOH)
Recently, MOH has published a new food safety guidelines during Movement Control Order (MCO) relate to the requirement of preparation and sale of food products online. MOH has outlined food hygiene and food safety elements in ensuring home based food preparation are safe.

b) Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
Recently, the implementation of the Conditional Movement Control (PKPB) Order has allowed almost all economic activities to operate in a controlled and cautious manner subject to the terms of the standard operating procedure (SOP) set by the authorities. MITI has been released SOP to food manufacturing sectors as a guidelines to food handler to practice new norm and work in safe.

Source: MOH & MITI
Good news!!
Our Food Handler Training Course is now available ONLINE!!
Have you train your workers with latest new normal food hygiene practices introduced by MOH? Register Now!
Stay tuned with upcoming blog on amazing tips on hand washing.